Paid Memberships Pro – Sponsored/Group Members

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Paid Memberships Pro – Sponsored/Group Members GitHub Repository For groups or institutions that allow a member to purchase a block of linked accounts.


Last Updated - 1 January 2023 @ 3:20 AM  » Changelog


Paid Memberships Pro – Sponsored/Group Members

Welcome to the Paid Memberships Pro – Sponsored/Group Members GitHub Repository

For groups or institutions that allow a member to purchase a block of linked accounts. The Add On provides the primary member’s with a code to distribute to their team for use during registration. The primary member can also automatically register the child accounts during checkout.

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Importing Members with Sponsored Parent to Child Relationships

Assuming your Sponsored Members Add On is properly configured, you can leverage the Import Users from CSV Add On to import existing members with a parent to child relationship by following the steps below.

Note that before importing child accounts, you must first import your parent accounts. The import relies on an existing parent account’s User ID, Email Address, or unique User Login.
  1. Make sure you have properly configured the $pmprosm_sponsored_account_levels global array.
  2. In addition to the required columns as outlined in the Import Users from CSV Add On documentation, you must add the following columns to your CSV import file:
    • pmprosm_seats: This will set the user meta field that stores the number of seats available to a sponsoring/parent account. Leave blank or 0 for unlimited. This field should only be imported for a “Parent” account type.
    • pmprosm_sponsor: Set this field to the User ID, Email Address, or User Login for the Sponsor or Parent Account for this user. If the account is a “Parent” account type, leave this field blank.
  3. Complete the import according to the steps outlined in the Import Users from CSV Add On documentation.
  1. Creating Sponsored Accounts at Checkout

    • sponsored_accounts_at_checkout: Should the original member enter the details for sponsored members at checkout? Accepts: ‘true’ or ‘false’. Defaults to false. If set to false, the original member will be given discount codes after checkout and the sponsored members will enter their own information during member registration.
    • sponsored_header_text: Optionally modify the default text shown in the section where child accounts can be created. If not specified, your checkout form will show the following default text: “Please fill in following information and account(s) will be created.”

    Note: The following fields only apply if ‘sponsored_accounts_at_checkout’ is set to true and you have defined the ‘max_seats’ and ‘seat_cost’ values:

    • children_get_name: If set to true, will ask for a first and last name for the sponsored account(s) created at checkout. Accepts: ‘true’ or ‘false’.
    • children_hide_username: Hide the username field for sponsored account(s) created at checkout. Accepts: ‘true’ or ‘false’.
    • children_hide_email: Hide the email field for sponsored account(s) created at checkout. Accepts: ‘true’ or ‘false’.
    • children_hide_password: Hide the password field for sponsored account(s) created at checkout. Accepts: ‘true’ or ‘false’.
    • Setting up the $pmprosm_sponsored_account_levels Array

      This Add On must be configured via custom code in your helper PMPro Customizations plugin. You must declare a global $pmprosm_sponsored_account_levels array.

      Required general array parameters:

      • main_level_id: The membership level ID for the primary or parent level; the ID must match the index. Accepts: any integer.
      • sponsored_level_id: The membership level ID of the sponsored level(s); Accepts: a single integer or an array of integers.
      • add_code_to_confirmation_email: Whether the code for sponsored levels should be added to the confirmation email sent to the original member after checkout. Accepts: ‘true’ or ‘false’.

      Seat Cost and Billing

      • apply_seat_cost_to_initial_payment: The seat cost of each individual sponsored membership will be applied to the initial payment the original member pays at time of registration. Accepts: ‘true’ or ‘false’.
      • apply_seat_cost_to_billing_amount: The seat cost of each individual sponsored membership will be applied to the recurring payment of the original member. Accepts: ‘true’ or ‘false’. You can set both the apply_seat_cost_to_initial_payment and apply_seat_cost_to_billing_amount values to ‘true’ to have the seat cost charged immediately at checkout and for each recurring billing pamyent. (i.e. 5 seats at $10 per month will charge $50 at initial checkout and $50 per 1 month)
      • seat_cost: The cost of each sponsored member, in dollars. If you want the sponsored memberships to be free, set seat_cost to 0 or omit the array value. This array value is required for the “Additional Seats” checkout field to display. Accepts any integer.
      • seat_cost_text: Optionally specify custom text for the content shown below the seat selection dropdown. If not specified, your field will show the following default text: “ x per extra seat.“, where x is the value set for seat_cost in this array.
      • seats: The number of sponsored accounts that should be generated for the main account. Omit the seats array value from the array if you want the parent member to choose the number of seats at checkout.
      • max_seats: The maximum number of sponsored members a parent account can request at checkout. This value is required for the “Additional Seats” checkout field to display. Accepts: any integer.
      • min_seats: The minimum number of sponsored members a parent account can request at checkout. If min_seats isn’t defined, the minimum number of seats will default to 1. Accepts: any integer.
      • discount_code: An associative array containing the details of the discount code that sponsored members will use to register (see example).

      Note: max_seats and seat_cost must both be set to add the “Additional Seats” checkout field.

      Other Optional Parameters

      • discount_code_required: Optionally set this parameter to true to force a discount code or sponsor code be used at membership checkout for the sponsored_level_id.
      • hide_display_discount_code: Optionally set this parameter to true if you don’t want sponsors to be able to see their sponsor code.

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